23 September 2009


NOTE THE READER: The original concept for this piece is not my own. But the message is worth sharing. The whole of the concept for the analogy, and at least 50% of the content of the piece originally appeared several years ago as an anonymous piece in an open forum on the Internet. It has been sitting in my computer archives for about seven years and in that time I have changed computers and software several times so that all original citations have been lost. Over the course of that time I have added to it and re-ordered some of the original details, but the integrity of the message remains intact. I would like to thank the original author for broadly sowing the seeds of such a wonderful analogy of how God the Father and God the Son interact surrounding the key points of individual salvation. If the original author happens to read this and recognizes their significant contribution in this work, I would be excited to acknowledge you in this forum.

After living a "decent" life, his time on earth came to an end. The man sat on a bench in the waiting room of what he thought to be a courthouse.

The doors opened and he was instructed to enter and have a seat by the defense table. As he looked around he saw the prosecutor. He was a villainous looking gent who snarled as he stared at the man. He definitely was the most evil person the man had ever seen.

The man sat down and looked to his left where his own advocate sat--a kind and gentle looking man whose appearance seemed familiar. The corner door flew open. The judge appeared in full flowing robes. He commanded an awesome presence as He moved across the room. The man could not take his eyes off of the Judge. As the Judge took his seat behind the bench, he said, "Let us begin."

The prosecutor rose and said, "My name is Satan and I am here to show you why this man belongs in hell."
He proceeded to tell of lies that the man told, things he had stolen, and when he had cheated others. The prosecutor told of other horrible things that were once part of the man’ life. The more the prosecutor spoke the further down in his seat the man sank. He was so ashamed and guilty he couldn't look at anyone, even his own advocate. The prosecutor told of sins he had completely forgotten about.

Though he was angry at the prosecutor for presenting all these accusations about him, the man knew the y were true, and that he could not deny them here in this courtroom. , He was equally confused as to why his advocate sat there silently and did not offer any form of defense.

He knew he had been guilty of those things, but he had done some good in my life - couldn't that at least mitigate some part of the guilt?

Satan finished with a fury and said, "This man is guilty of all counts. There is not a person who can prove otherwise. The law demands DEATH, he BELONGS in hell.

With that, the prosecutor sat down and cackled with glee, anticipating an easy victory.

Now that it was his turn, the mans Advocate rose. He looked at His client and asked, “Will you TRUST Me?”

The man somberly nodded and whispered, “Yes.”

The Advocate approached bench, and addressed the court over the strong objections of Satan. As the Advocate rose and started walking to the front of the courtroom, the man was able to see Him in his full splendor and majesty for the first time.

He realized why he seemed so familiar.

It was Jesus representing me, my Lord and my Savior.

The Advocate stopped at the bench and addressed the judge.

"Hi, Dad."

He then turned to address the courtroom.

"Satan is correct in saying that this man was a sinner. The defense will not deny ANY of these allegations. This man IS guilty, and Satan is correct, the wage of sin is death. Under our law this man absolutely deserves to be punished."

The Advocate paused.

He took a deep breath.

Then he turned to the Judge, and with outstretched arms, proclaimed, "HOWEVER, he has accepted ME as his Savior, Redeemer and Lord, so he is mine. I died on the cross to pay for each and every count that the prosecution has presented. Now, this man has been made my brother. He has been adopted by My Father. He has been made a member of the royal family and has been given eternal life."

Satan raised many objections, all of which the Judge over-ruled.

The Advocate continued, "His name is written in the book of life and no one can snatch him from me. The prosecutor still does not understand – While it IS TRUE that the LAW and JUSTICE demand condemnation upon the establishment of guilt, I have already accepted that condemnation and by MY BLOOD I have purchased mercy."

The Advocate returned to the defense table and stood beside His seat. He quietly paused, looked at his Father, the Judge; then at Satan, the accuser, "There is nothing else that needs to be done. There is nothing else that CAN be done. IT IS FINISHED. Completed. Done."

The judge proclaimed to the courtroom, “The court finds the defendant GUILTY AS CHARGED. The sentence is death, but his penalty has already been paid in full. This man is free to enter his eternal reward. The case is closed."

As the man was leaving, he stopped to observe as another man appeared and the prosecutor presented much the same case.

Again, when the prosecution rested, the Advocate asked the defendant, “Will you TRUST Me?”

This time the answer was, No thank you, I can handle this, I have been good all my life and the judge will understand this.

The advocate stood for a moment and said, “Father, the defendant chooses to provide his own defense and chooses not to accept my representation.” He then sat down.

The defendant rose and stepped forward. As he did so, he heard the gavel come down on the bench and the Judge proclaim, ““The court finds the defendant GUILTY AS CHARGED. The sentence is death and will be executed immediately, He has chosen not to accept that His penalty has already been paid in full “

The first man asked the advocate how He could so easily allow this last case to be lost. The Advocate lovingly smiled and said, "Everyone that has COME to me and ASKED me to represent them has received the same verdict as you, Paid in Full. But everyone who has rejected the offer has received a quick execution of sentence.”

How about YOU, reader?

When you stand before the Bar of eternity, whom will you rely on?

Will you trust in your own ability and good works?

OR, will you trust in the Advocate, who has already paid your penalty in full?

19 September 2009

Faith as a Child

Jesus Loves me…This I know
Because the Bible tells me so

Little ones to HIM belong
I am weak, but HE is strong.




Unless our faith is like that of a child, we will find it hard to enter the Kingdom of God.

The Kingdom which is at hand, no less.


A child:
..Unconditionally loves.

Children who adore their parents do not fear them, it never even enters their mind.
Children who have loving parents do not worry about whether they are good enough or not, because no matter what, they are.

Loving families nurture each other and treat each other as equals, with different roles and do not trade love for…well for anything.
A loving family is a place of safety, warmth and encouragement.
Discipline in a loving family is not punishment but education; it encourages rather than disheartens, builds up the spirit rather than destroys the soul.
Children in a loving family are free to act on their imagination and their initiative. They are able to be creative rather than needing permission and instructions for each and every step they take. They are free to spread their wings and rise up to glorify their father, rather than cowering in fear that they will be crushed for some tiny unknown infraction.

This is also so with our Heavenly Father. His desire is for us to be free to love others and Him, able to soar on the wings of our imagination, aided and guided by his Spirit in accomplishing our highest dreams and loftiest goals.

But, because of our own failings and those of our earthly parents, we are not able to see the full extent of the freedom and love our Heavenly Father has extended to us, or the love He has for us.

When we fail we run and hide, rather than look to him for His assistance in overcoming our failures.

When we are depressed we hide away from the one who gives us joy unspeakable. When we cry tears of great sorrow in the darkness of night, we do not expect the morning to bring joy.

We expect that every failure will be penalized and that after so many we will lose any chance for redemption.

As we have grown into adults we have lost the simplicity of our faith in our God. That child like knowledge that our Father loves us without condition. That he wants us to succeed in our wildest dreams and that His will for us is to grow in wisdom and health. As we grow, we surrender that childlike belief in God’s goodness and grace for a more jaundiced belief that we will have to do it ourselves, and that if we fail God will get us and punish us.

God is in the education and redemption business and as long as we have breath to sing, we can repeat the simple childrens' chorus:

Jesus Loves me…This I know
Because the Bible tells me so

Little ones to HIM belong
I am weak, but HE is strong.


