19 September 2009

Faith as a Child

Jesus Loves me…This I know
Because the Bible tells me so

Little ones to HIM belong
I am weak, but HE is strong.




Unless our faith is like that of a child, we will find it hard to enter the Kingdom of God.

The Kingdom which is at hand, no less.


A child:
..Unconditionally loves.

Children who adore their parents do not fear them, it never even enters their mind.
Children who have loving parents do not worry about whether they are good enough or not, because no matter what, they are.

Loving families nurture each other and treat each other as equals, with different roles and do not trade love for…well for anything.
A loving family is a place of safety, warmth and encouragement.
Discipline in a loving family is not punishment but education; it encourages rather than disheartens, builds up the spirit rather than destroys the soul.
Children in a loving family are free to act on their imagination and their initiative. They are able to be creative rather than needing permission and instructions for each and every step they take. They are free to spread their wings and rise up to glorify their father, rather than cowering in fear that they will be crushed for some tiny unknown infraction.

This is also so with our Heavenly Father. His desire is for us to be free to love others and Him, able to soar on the wings of our imagination, aided and guided by his Spirit in accomplishing our highest dreams and loftiest goals.

But, because of our own failings and those of our earthly parents, we are not able to see the full extent of the freedom and love our Heavenly Father has extended to us, or the love He has for us.

When we fail we run and hide, rather than look to him for His assistance in overcoming our failures.

When we are depressed we hide away from the one who gives us joy unspeakable. When we cry tears of great sorrow in the darkness of night, we do not expect the morning to bring joy.

We expect that every failure will be penalized and that after so many we will lose any chance for redemption.

As we have grown into adults we have lost the simplicity of our faith in our God. That child like knowledge that our Father loves us without condition. That he wants us to succeed in our wildest dreams and that His will for us is to grow in wisdom and health. As we grow, we surrender that childlike belief in God’s goodness and grace for a more jaundiced belief that we will have to do it ourselves, and that if we fail God will get us and punish us.

God is in the education and redemption business and as long as we have breath to sing, we can repeat the simple childrens' chorus:

Jesus Loves me…This I know
Because the Bible tells me so

Little ones to HIM belong
I am weak, but HE is strong.




1 comment:

  1. I find it interesting that I had to "let go and let God" when it came down to transitioning my faith along with my body. When I gave up my own attempt to answer all my questions, I realized that HE was always the answer and would lead me through the wilderness.

    It's not good stuff, it's God stuff.
